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なおこ先生のPiano Lesson Dictionary
クリス先生の「1 note 1 syllable でステキに歌おう」
Friends of Eigodepiano
Let’s sing Jazz ! from NY
1, Finger Number(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, PBよりFinger numbers
3, 2&3 Black keys
4, Right hand & Left hand
5, SBで2&3 Black keys
6, forte & piano
7, PB Hungry kangaroos
8, PB Let’s find Cs
9, PA Up stem & Down stem
10, PA Dancing Feet
11, Hello song(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
12, Right or Left
13, Hello song
14, Let's find CDE
15, Let’s play CDE
16, Make up a melody with CDE
17, Walk and March
18, Mouse Rhythm
19, Monsieur Mouse
20, Remember CDE
21, Up, Down, Same(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
22, Notes go up
23, Listening game,Up,Down or Same
24, Directional Reading ,Kangaroos
25, Kangaroos Rhythm
26, Kangaroos with CD
27, Hello,how are you?
28, Write CDE
29, Mary’s Rockin' Pets
30, 英語でピアノ かおり先生動画集
31, Get a sticker
32, Mary's pets Hanamaru (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
33, Up and Down review
34, Animal Riddle
35, Roll Call
36, Little lost kitty
37, Bass clef & Treble clef
38, Old Pig Donald
39, Sherpherd, count your sheep
40, Zoomで譜読みアプリをやってみた(どなたでも閲覧できます)
41, PCとiPadのつなぎ方(どなたでも閲覧できます)
42, Red cat or Blue cat?
43, Zoomでオンラインレッスン
44, A game of beats
45, I feel rhythm
46, Music alphabets
47, Hello song
48, Katie's Dog Tucker
49, Treble Clef & Bass Clef
50, Bed on a Boat
51, Online latency test
52, Let’s go to the zoo
53, Sproutbeat Leap CDE
54, Find music alphabets
55, Piano Adventures Roll Call
56, Piano Bop & Piano Adventures C&F
57, Birthday train
58, Find FGAB
59, Can you say feeling?
60, Wish I were a Fish 1
61, Wish I Were a Fish 2
62, Wish I Were a Fish 3
63, Oh! I love snack time
64, I love snack time-2
65, Music Alphabet Castle
66, What’s your favorite snack?
67, Piano games Ghost Letters
68, Eensie Weensie Spider 1
69, Raccoon's Lullaby
70, Raccoon’s Lullaby 2
71, Eensie Weensie Spider
72, Congratulations
73, Wishbone Wish
74, クリスマスレッスン教材のご紹介
なおこ先生のPiano Lesson Dictionary
1, piano, piano bench, keys(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, play the piano, sit on the piano bench
3, Right hand and Left hand
4, Finger family
5, Finger number
6, 2&3 Black keys
7, High sounds and Low sounds
8, Up and Down
9, Going up, Going down, and Stay the same
10, Let’s play a tune with RH
11, Let’s play a tune with LH ♪(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
12, Loud and Soft
13, Forte and Piano
14, Forte and Piano-3 syllable
15, Music Alphabet
16, Music Alphabet Phonics
17, Musical Phonics A to G
18, A to G on the piano
19, Phonics A to G
20, Phonics H to N
21, Phonics O to U (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
22, Phonics V to Z
23, Phonics Overall A to Z
24, What is Halloween
25, Phonics Quiz
26, Rock Scissors Paper
27, Halloween Song
28, Halloween Quiz
29, Seven steps Halloween
30, Alphabet quiz
31, ABC song (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
32, 英語でピアノ なおこ先生 動画集
33, Let’s find Cs
34, Let’s find Ds
35, We wish you a Merry Christmas 1
36, What is Christmas?
37, We wish you a Merry Christmas 2
38, Christmas words
39, Who am I?
40, O Christmas Tree
41, Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
42, Who am I ? ② (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
43, Auld Lang Syne
44, Let’s say your feelings
45, Let’s sing Hello Song
46, Let’s play hello song
47, Whole, half, quarter notes
48, Whole, half, quarter rests
49, Notes Rests Quiz
50, Trebble Clef and Bass clef
51, The Grand Staff
52, Music symbol worksheet
53, Colors
54, Color Quiz
55, What color is it?
56, Favoriteとlikeの違い
57, さくらさくら
58, Beethoven 1
59, Ode to joy
60, Beethoven 2 for Elise
61, Mozart 1
62, Mozart's five names
63, Let’s play C Scale
64, Play and Sing C Scale
65, R.H. C Scale
66, L.H. C Scale
67, Line and space quiz
68, Stepping up and down
69, Middle C and D
70, Let’s Play Hello Song
71, CDE-1 Mouse Rhythm
72, CDE-2 Mary’s Song
73, CDE-3 Mary had a little lamb
74, Parody of Mary had a little lamb
75, Candy had a little pig
76, What is a syllable?
77, Syllable quiz
78, New note F
79, Stomp stomp tippy toe
80, New note G
81, Tick Tock 1 telling the time
82, Tick Tock 2 Let’s play and sing
83, Walk walk walk slide
84, Let's play "Walk walk walk slide"
85, Ice Cream Dog 1
86, Ice Cream Dog 2
87, Jack O' Lantern
88, Ten little pumpkins
89, Shapes-1
90, Shapes-2
91, Review C to G
92, Walk March Swim ①
93, Walk March Swim ②
94, Jingle Bells 1
95, Jingle Bells 2
96, Christmas difference
97, Auld Lang Syne Duo on Syncroom
98, Cultural difference of New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day
99, Bass Clef A and B
100, Bass Clef ABC
101, Step down to G & Hand Signals
102, Bass Clef ABG Song and Quiz
103, Both hands from Piano BOP 1
104, Big fish Small fish
105, Big fish Small fish 2
106, Bass Clef F & Treble Clef G
107, Construction Zone-Steam Shovel for L.H.
108, Construction Zone-The Crane for R.H.
109, Numbers 1-10
110, 7 Steps & 10 Steps
111, The Days of the Week
112, Months of the Year
113, Date and Month Song
114, Butterfly Fly
115, Butterfly Fly-2
116, Dancing on the Middle Line-1
117, Dancing on the Middle Line-2
118, Bass Clef CDE Song
119, Climbing up and down LH1
120, Climbing up and down LH2
1, レッスン前の挨拶例 初めての場合(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, レッスン前の挨拶例 2回目以降
3, 初回レッスン 名前の聞き方
4, 初回レッスン 子どもとの会話例
5, 宿題やってきた?
6, あと少し
7, がんばれ
8, テンポキープして
9, フォルテとピアノ
10, またね
11, リラックス(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
12, Hands shape
13, Pay attention
14, Tellimg-off
15, Nice to meet you
16, Lesson After school
17, Well done
18, 英語でピアノ クリス先生レッスンシチュエーション動画集
19, Great job
20, It was difficult
21, Do the worksheet
22, I like this song
23, I’m sorry I’m late
24, How was your spring vacation?
25, What grade are you in?
26, What's your favorite subject?
27, How was your summer vacation?
28, 夏休みどうだった?説明
29, Wash your hands
30, 2021 Happy New Year
31, Graduation
32, Congratulations on your exam
33, Entrance Ceremony
34, Junior High School
35, Father’s day(6月第3日曜日)
36, Olympic2020-1
37, Olympic 2020-2
38, Marathon swimming
39, Baseball
40, Happy New Year 2023
1, りかこちゃん、Book B 始めます‼️
2, かおり先生とりかこちゃんのリアルレッスン動画
3, Giddy-Up Pony
4, Book B friends at the piano
5, Giddy-Up Pony 連弾
6, Ode to Joy (よろこびのうた)
7, Let's Choose Glasses
8, Pony path /Writing Book Bより
9, How do you do, Mr.Beethoven?
10, The King’s Cat
11, The King "Jams" with Middle C Cat
12, The Queen Had Tea
13, Gliding Goldfish
14, Pumpkin Party
15, My Concert 2021
16, Leaf Pile Fun
17, Tucker's Boogie
18, Mozart’s Musical patterns
19, Make Up Your CDE Pattern
20, Ear Training
21, CLAP for Sightreading
22, Halloween is here to stay
23, Picnic with Friends 1
24, Picnic with Friends 2
25, Let’s do the game
26, Beethoven's Door
27, Beethoven’s Door -2
28, Pilot, Land Your Plane
29, Scotlamnd Bells
30, Scotland Bells 2
31, Scotland Bells 3
32, I Would Like to Go to Mars 1
33, I Would Like to Go to Mars 2
34, I Would Like to Go to Mars 3
35, Beethoven’s Composing Room
36, Piano BOP 1 Tick Tuck
37, Friends at the Piano
38, Pearl in the C
39, Octave Blues 1
40, Octave Blues 2
41, The Little Scale that Could
42, Climbing Up and Down
43, This Is My C Scale
44, Bass Clef C to G
45, Pet Dragon-1
46, Pet Dragon-2
47, We wish you a Merry Christmas
48, 感情カードで英語の練習
49, Hot Chocolate, Whipped-Cream Day 1
50, Hot Chocolate, Whipped-Cream Day 2
51, Christmas Worksheet
52, Kitty Cat Kitty Cat
53, Kitty cat Kitty cat 2
54, Alouette
55, Alley Cat Choir 1
56, Alley Cat Choir 2
57, 新曲譜読みの前に音符読み練習
58, Music alphabet-Sprout beat
59, Make up the rhythm of Mozart's name
60, Setsubun (節分) from Piano BOP 2
61, Name That Tune from Piano BOP 2
62, Alley Cat Choir
63, Twinkle Twinkle Variation
64, Travel Travel Little Car
65, Twinkle Twinkle Variations
66, Rhythm Beads
67, りかこちゃん、BOOK B動画終了しました
68, Can’t Stop Take off My Eyes
クリス先生の「1 note 1 syllable でステキに歌おう」
1, 1 syllable 1note(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, Twinkle Twinkle
3, ABC Song
4, Rain rain go away
5, Mary had a little lamb
6, London bridge
7, Hickory Dickory Dock
8, Row row row your boat
9, Eensy weensy spider
10, Phonics Introduction
11, Musical phonics song(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
12, Musical phonics words
16, Number 1 to 10
17, Ten little fingers
18, 10 Little Wiches
19, Buckle my shoe
20, About Halloween
21, This is the way (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
22, Who took the candy
23, Knock knock trick or treat
24, 英語でピアノ クリス先生1syllable 1note動画集
25, Jingle Bells-1
26, Jingle Bells-2 Song
27, Rudolph 説明
28, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer(どなたでも閲覧できます。)
29, 12 days of Christmas
30, 12 days of Christmas 説明
31, The Christmas Song
32, A Happy New Year (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
33, Skinnamarink
34, This old man
35, I love you, you love me(どなたでも閲覧できます)
36, Valentine
37, ひなまつり 説明
38, ひなまつり 歌
39, This old man 説明
40, This old man うた
41, Train announcer
42, Fingers
43, Are you sleeping?
44, Where is Daddy 1
45, Where is Daddy 2
46, こいのぼり
47, 1 syllable phonics
48, 1 syllable phonics A-D
49, 1 syllable phonics e-h
50, 1 syllable phonics I-L
51, 1 syllable phonics M-P
52, 1 syllable phonics Q-U
53, 1 syllable phonics V-Z
54, 1 syllable phonics A-Z
55, Mr. smiley snail
56, Star festival 七夕説明
57, Star festival 七夕うた
58, number 11-20
59, number 20-1000
60, The Ocean
61, Umi no uta
62, Feeling cards
63, Say feeling
64, A Sailor went to sea 説明
65, A sailor went to sea うた
66, Can you make me Happy face?
67, Sailor went to sea 2-1
68, Sailor went to sea 2-2
69, つきよのうさぎ 説明
70, つきよのうさぎ 歌
71, Witch and Ghost
72, Skeleton dance
73, Haunted Mouse
74, Wrist Forearm fingertips
75, Head shoulders knees and toes
76, O Christmas Tree
77, Devil out the door
78, ゆきやこんこ/Snow is falling
79, PianoAdventuresのSpringに歌詞を付けてみました
80, Pretty Flowers giggling
81, ふうせんのうた(日本語&英語)
82, Shave and Haircut
83, Let’s focus on syllables!
84, Syllable quiz and Silent e
85, 2-Syllable Phonics A-D
86, 2-Syllable phonics E-H
87, 2-Syllable phonics I-L
88, 2-Syllable Phonics M-P
89, 2-Syllable Phonics Q-U
90, Mr. Clumsy Santa Claus
91, 2 Syllable-Phonics V-Z
92, 2-Syllable Phonix AtoZ
93, 証城寺の狸囃子"Cone Come Everybody Version "
94, Shojoji Original Version
95, Spring has arrived
96, フランス語で「春が来た」
97, しゅしゅぽぽ(クリス先生オリジナル)
98, しゅしゅぽぽ(英語バージョン)
99, ゆりかごのうた
100, Cradle Song (ゆりかごのうた)
101, ゆりかごの天使
102, Mr. Brahms's Famous Lullaby
103, ずいずいずっころばし(日本語&英語)
104, ほたるこい
105, さとうきび畑(日本語)
106, さとうきび畑(英語)
107, 3 Syllable Phonics A-D
108, 3-Syllable Phonics E to H
109, 3-syllable phonics I-L
110, 3-Syllable Phonics M-P
111, 3-Syllable Phonics Q-U
112, 3-Syllable Phonics V to Z
113, I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause
114, 3-Syllable Phonics A-Z
115, Lightly Snow from Piano Adventures Theory Book Level 1
116, Sakura Sakura-by Christelle
117, Alive Forevermore
118, Froggy's Song
119, 2023.6.3 クリス先生と英語で歌おうコンサート
120, I am the son of ocean(われは海の子)
121, Miss. Sunflower
122, Dragonfly Akatombo
123, Halloween Is Here to Stay from Piano BOP 3
124, 六甲おろし 英語バージョン
125, Deck the Halls
126, Let’s Sing C Scale
127, こぎつね
128, 仰げば尊し
1, Black & White keys (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, What’s that ?
3, Rabbit and elephant
4, Trick or treat
5, 1 beat & 2 beats
6, Keep the steady 1 beat & 2 beats
7, 英語でピアノ きらちゃんと英語でプレピアノ動画集
8, Whole note
9, Kira at age 3
10, Santa is his name
11, Let’s count the balls
12, Copy cat train (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
13, Both Hands
14, Where is daddy?
15, Review 1
16, 日本で受けるアメリカのピアノ検定
17, Hungry Kangaroos
19, Let’s play Music Alphabets
20, Music alphabet CDEFGABC
21, Let’s play CDE
22, Kangaroos
23, Mary had a little lamb
24, Kira had a little dog
25, Mickey mouse march
26, God Save the Queen/Kira
27, 5-Finger Scale 全調練習
28, Best Friend (きらちゃん学校で歌の伴奏をします)
29, Sing Sing Sing /Kira
Friends of Eigodepiano
1, Let’s begin 動画に合わせて歌ったよ (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, Stepping Up and Down
3, sprout beat_music alphabets
4, Musical symbols
5, 親子連弾 Russian sailor dance
6, One little finger
7, アプリで譜読み練習
8, Hiroko Piano
9, Piano School Animare
10, NY Favore Educational program
11, Eigodepiano Recital (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
12, Baseball team
13, Let’s dance
14, Running walk
15, Let it go
16, I love Tigers
17, Racing Car
18, Whole new world
19, Caterpillar Shuffle
20, The gift
21, This is not Jingle Bells (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
22, Mom & Son Jam session
23, Transpose to C
24, Hiroko Piano School Recital
25, Clair de lune
26, Halloween is here to stay
27, Mouse Rhythm R
28, Transcribe by ear
29, 英語でピアノ Friends of Eigodepiano動画集
30, Hiroko's School Recital
31, Reverie
33, Deck the Halls
34, Pastral
35, Candy in Blue
36, Friends at the Piano
37, Syllable Count
38, Hiroko's School 'Eigo to Piano'
39, Improvisation by organ
40, Book A Graduation
41, Listening game of Cs
42, The Bubble
43, Book A Graduation R
44, Book A Graduation S
45, オンラインで遊ぼう
46, 米国ギルド・ピアノ試験 録画サンプル①
47, 米国ギルド・ピアノ試験 録画サンプル②
48, 米国ギルド・ピアノ試験 録画サンプル③
49, 米国ギルド・ピアノ試験 録画サンプル④
50, Dマイナー Question and Answer
51, Skip up and down
52, Jacob’s Jam Session
53, 子犬のワルツ(ワルツ 第6番)(ショパン)を弾いてみた
54, うちで踊ろう by ヒロミ先生
55, Anne Piano SchoolのYasuko先生の演奏♫
56, 村上ゆかり先生のオンラインレッスンより
57, Naoko English Lesson
58, Aiden plays "Shadows"
59, Aiden plays "I Love to Play Piano"
60, Ryo Plays "The Clock Shop"
61, Ryo Plays "The Lonely Pine"
62, Yun-Jin plays "At the Robot Factory
63, Xinmiao plays "Autumn wind"
64, Emma plays Scrapbook Pages
65, Shun plays 'Pass the pickles, please'
66, Shun plays 'Ode to Joy' with his family
67, Achan prays
68, Candy howls
69, Spider Dance
70, Jazz Blast
71, Umi Piano
72, Michi's Music School
73, Jacob's online seminar
74, What a wonderful world/Yuki
75, トンツカタン 森本晋太郎さん
76, Summer Group Lesson
77, Blues Lesson
78, PianoBOPのYoutubeチャンネル
79, Aiden plays "Path the Wind"
80, Let’s find Cs
81, Kangaroos
82, 兵庫と神奈川でリモート連弾
83, Emma plays "America the Beautiful"
84, Online recital
85, Halloween is here to stay
86, Monster's Midnight March
87, 夜に駆ける
88, オンラインレッスンで連弾できます!
89, Zoom × Syncroom
90, 5 Finger Improvisation
91, Syncroomはじめの一歩(接続テスト部分は、音量注意してください)
92, Piano BOP 2 Seminar
93, Yumewokanaete Doraemon
94, White Christmas/ Aly先生
95, White Christmas/Tamako先生
96, Christmas Mini Concert/ Yuki先生
97, Christmas group lesson
98, りかこちゃん、ママと連弾
99, SproutBeatでMusic Alphabetをさがそう
100, さくら横ちょう/かつみ先生
101, ゆかり先生親子共演 ピアノ&ドラム
102, Candy/ Let’s sing jazz in NY
103, 第3回 村上ピアノ教室 発表会ダイジェスト
104, 「帰ろう」Melodica by Emi Akiba 先生
105, 英語でピアノについてインタビューを受けました
106, 3月からスタートする動画の編集者、Yukiくんの自己紹介ビデオです!
107, 米国ギルドピアノ検定について(2021.12.6講師ミーティング)
108, 英語でピアノはじめよう(ゆかり先生のクラスのクリスマス会より)
109, Online Concert 2021.12.26
110, Kiraちゃん 米国ピアノギルド検定受けました
111, Graduation Book A
112, Yukari先生 Family Band「私は最強」
113, Adios Nonino
1, Firefly
2, Little River
3, Sailing in the Sun
4, Ferris Wheel
5, Mexican Jumping Beans
6, Young Hunter
7, The Haunted Mouse
8, Half-Time Show
9, The Lonely Pine
10, Li'l Liza Jane
11, C's Rock
12, Mozart’s Five Names
13, Paper Airplane
14, The Juggler
15, Traffic Jam 2nds
16, This Is Not Jingle Bells
17, Kites in the Sky
18, Mixed-Up Song
19, Flute of Andes
20, Runaway Rabbit
21, Lightly Row
22, Forest Drums
23, No Moon Tonight
24, Grumpy Old Troll
25, Merlin's Wand
26, Party Song
27, Boogie on Broadway
28, Scarf Dance
29, Two-Note March
30, Girl on a bicycle
31, Boy on a bicycle
32, Blocked Chord and Broken Chord Study
33, Song for Scarecrow
34, My Pony
35, Row, row, row your boat
36, London Symphony
37, Jazzy Joe
38, Shepherds song
39, Warm up in G
40, Dinosaur Stomp
41, The Dreydl Song
42, The Bubble
43, Santa Claus Is Comi'n to Town
44, Angel We Have Heard on High
45, Frosty the Snowman
46, When the Saints Go Marching In
47, Awesome Creatures
48, Skip to My Lou
49, Leftover Popcorn
50, Ice Cream and More Ice Cream
51, Mr. Haydn's Theme
52, My Daydream
53, I Am the King
54, The Puppet Show
55, Kitch-iti-kipi
56, Our detective Agency
57, This R.H. Old Man/ This L.H. Old Man
58, Pirates of the North Sea
59, The Queen's Royal Entrance
60, Peter Pan's Flight
61, Whirling Leaves
62, Sword Dance
63, Go Tell Aunt Rhody 2A
64, Pyramids from 2A
65, Captain Hook’s Rockin' Party
66, Boxcar Rumble
67, Down by the Bay
68, I've Got Peace Like a River
69, Deep River
70, Deck the keys
71, This Is My Planet Earth
72, God Save the Queen
73, Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
74, Duke of York Strut
75, Auld Lang Syne
Let’s sing Jazz ! from NY
1, Joy to the World from NY (どなたでも閲覧できます。)
2, Blues Frog
3, When the saints go marching in
4, Ride the A train
5, Let’s sing Jazz ! from NY 動画集
6, Take the A train
7, Frog princess
8, Ingenmame blues
9, Summertime from NY
10, Over the Rainbow
11, Autumn Leaves
12, What a wonderful world
13, Joy to the world from NY 2
14, The Christmas Song from NY
15, Give me a clean heart/リモート・アカペラ・セッションより
16, New York New York from NY
17, On the sunny side of the street
18, Alice in wonderland
19, April in Paris
20, Pennies from Heaven
21, Blue Skies
22, All of Me
23, Come Rain or Come Shine
24, Route 66
25, Moon river
26, Christmas time is here
27, Hallelujah from NY
28, When You’re Smiling
29, L-0-V-E from NY
30, Peace
31, I'll Remember April
32, If I Were A Bell
33, C Jam Blues
34, Monk’s Blues from Piano BOP 2
35, Move Your Body×TakeFive
36, Deep River
37, St. Louis Blues
38, White Christmas with Verse
39, Auld Lang Syne 2022
40, You must believe in Spring
41, It Don’t Mean a Thing
42, It’s Only A Paper Moon
43, Bye bye black bird
44, Blue Moon
45, Georgia on My Mind
46, Misty
47, What A Friend We Have in Jesus
48, Lullaby of Birdland
49, God Bless the Child
50, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
51, Winter Wonderland
52, Chromatic Scale
53, Whole Tone Scale
54, Triplet (3連符)①4分3連
55, Triplet(3連符)8分3連
56, Arpeggio and Interval
57, Someday My Prince Will Come
58, Watermelon Man
59, Girls from Ipanema
60, September in the Rain
61, Autumn in New York
62, Silent Night
63, Go-En ご縁
64, Fly Me to the Moon
65, My Funny Valentine