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Let's Choose Glasses
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Lesson. 1 りかこちゃん、Book B 始めます‼️
Lesson. 2 Giddy-Up Pony
Lesson. 3 Book B friends at the piano
Lesson. 4 Giddy-Up Pony 連弾
Lesson. 5 Ode to Joy (よろこびのうた)
Lesson. 6 Let's Choose Glasses
Lesson. 7 Pony path /Writing Book Bより
Lesson. 8 How do you do, Mr.Beethoven?
Lesson. 9 The King’s Cat
Lesson. 10 The King "Jams" with Middle C Cat
Lesson. 11 The Queen Had Tea
Lesson. 12 Gliding Goldfish
Lesson. 13 Pumpkin Party
Lesson. 14 My Concert 2021
Lesson. 15 Leaf Pile Fun
Lesson. 16 Tucker's Boogie
Lesson. 17 Mozart’s Musical patterns
Lesson. 18 Make Up Your CDE Pattern
Lesson. 19 Ear Training
Lesson. 20 CLAP for Sightreading
Lesson. 21 Halloween is here to stay
Lesson. 22 Picnic with Friends 1
Lesson. 23 Picnic with Friends 2
Lesson. 24 Let’s do the game
Lesson. 25 Beethoven's Door
Lesson. 26 Beethoven’s Door -2
Lesson. 27 Pilot, Land Your Plane
Lesson. 28 Scotlamnd Bells
Lesson. 29 Scotland Bells 2
Lesson. 30 Scotland Bells 3
Lesson. 31 I Would Like to Go to Mars 1
Lesson. 32 I Would Like to Go to Mars 2
Lesson. 33 I Would Like to Go to Mars 3
Lesson. 34 Beethoven’s Composing Room
Lesson. 35 Piano BOP 1 Tick Tuck
Lesson. 36 Friends at the Piano
Lesson. 37 Pearl in the C
Lesson. 38 Octave Blues 1
Lesson. 39 Octave Blues 2
Lesson. 40 The Little Scale that Could
Lesson. 41 Climbing Up and Down
Lesson. 42 This Is My C Scale
Lesson. 43 Bass Clef C to G
Lesson. 44 Pet Dragon-1
Lesson. 45 Pet Dragon-2
Lesson. 46 We wish you a Merry Christmas
Lesson. 47 感情カードで英語の練習
Lesson. 48 Hot Chocolate, Whipped-Cream Day 1
Lesson. 49 Hot Chocolate, Whipped-Cream Day 2
Lesson. 50 Christmas Worksheet
Lesson. 51 Kitty Cat Kitty Cat
Lesson. 52 Kitty cat Kitty cat 2
Lesson. 53 Alouette
Lesson. 54 Alley Cat Choir 1
Lesson. 55 Alley Cat Choir 2
Lesson. 56 新曲譜読みの前に音符読み練習
Lesson. 57 Music alphabet-Sprout beat
Lesson. 58 Make up the rhythm of Mozart's name
Lesson. 59 Setsubun (節分) from Piano BOP 2
Lesson. 60 Name That Tune from Piano BOP 2
Lesson. 61 Alley Cat Choir
Lesson. 62 Twinkle Twinkle Variation
Lesson. 63 Travel Travel Little Car
Lesson. 64 Twinkle Twinkle Variations
Lesson. 65 Rhythm Beads
Lesson. 66 りかこちゃん、BOOK B動画終了しました
Lesson. 67 Can’t Stop Take off My Eyes